miercuri, 12 martie 2008

Avem o solutie!!!

Observ ca din ce in ce mai multi oameni cunoscuti mie incep sa isi puna probleme existentiale. Recunosc, cam asta pare a fi varsta: intrebari retorice, altele cu scop meditativ, incercari de regasire, tentative de a filozofa, etc. Mai sunt si cei care cred ca n-au nici o sansa, ca s-au nascut degeaba si prefera sa isi planga soarta. Apoi, urmeaza cei nemultumiti, geniile izolate si neintelese, care nu si-au pus costumul de oaie si nu ies duminica prin centru. Generalizand, cam asa e si lumea in care traim. Ei, stimati colegi, prieteni, necunoscuti, cititori ai acestui blog, AVEM O SOLUTIE. Cititi mai jos, poate vi se va clarifica drumul:

Follow the dark path, waiting to pass to the other side
Struggle the holy and weak, make your life a sin
Life's so depressive, this world has to pay
Kill for the devil, spread plague and evil
Consume your life from both sides, join the sect
Never have any child, this race has to die
Slash your mortal shell, listen to this voice
Satan is waiting, hear him calling

May the war bells chime again
Feel the power to give death
No one of them is innocent
Smell the stench of their fear
Sequestred in the dark
Humiliation and torture
Destroy the human rights
Desecrate the creation of god
And when you lose the taste
When supplies don't your eyes anymore
End your misery life
Suicide for Satan

Destroy your life for Satan

Mutiilation - Destroy your life for Satan

Vedeti cat e de simplu? Noapte bune, frumuseilor! :)

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